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Real Estate

Sharing The Most Unique Real Estate Offerings On The Planet

For Sale: Granot Loma – The Worlds Largest Log Cabin

Now here’s one that has real potential – it’s a log cabin, but nothing like the one you associate with Daniel Boone or the one where Abe Lincoln is reputed to have been born, nor the one where the Clampetts began their epic journey to Beverly Hills – Seriously – this one looks like a cabin on Crack.  The Architects (Benjamin Henry Marshall and Charles Eli Fox of Marshall and Fox) certainly had very few limitations when designing it, but oh what a structure they created!  It was listed as...

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Sold: 1 Himes Island – The One That Got Away

1 Himes Island, is a spectacular property located on the Canadian side of the Thousand Island stretch of the St Lawrence River.  For those who are not familiar with the area, the chain of islands (in reality totaling some 1,800 islands) is located in the section of the river between Ontario, Canada and New York State with islands straddling both sides of the border.  For clarity, there is a well-established rule that to be considered an official “Thousand Islands Island”, an island must be at least one square foot in...

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For Sale: Dodge Lodge: 462 Maple Point Rd, Kagawong, Ontario, Canada

Located on Northern Ontario, in Lake Huron, on Canada’s picturesque Manitoulin Island, an historical log complex has just recently come on the market.  For context, the 2,766 Sq Km Manitoulin Island (according to Wikipedia) is a Canadian Island located on Lake Huron and is reputedly the largest lake island in the world – so large in fact that the island itself is home to 108 of its own its own freshwater inland lakes, many of which even contain their own islands.  The lodge itself resides on the northern most point...

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For Sale: Invisible Joshua Tree House

I have to start by saying I have always loved Palm Springs and have vacationed in the area numerous times. Their perfectly preserved collection of period Mid Century Architecture (homes, businesses, and public buildings) ideally suit the desert environment and that unassuming laid-back California lifestyle.  The clean lines, pastel-coloured sensual curves, expansive view framing windows and lack of unnecessary non-functional ornamentation, not to mention the open interaction between indoor and outdoor living spaces make this style one of the most human friendly of Architectural styles. Having said that, in my opinion,...

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For Sale: Elm Court: 310 Old Stockbridge Road, Lenox, Massachusetts

In school, I was prone to daydreaming, which I guess is not an unusual trait.  My daydreams though always involved big rambling houses (maybe more unusual), or the creation of residential units within large rambling structures (warehouses, cathedrals, etc.) My daydreams weren’t just limited to school come to think of it.  I remember being at a cousins wedding at this big, beautiful church a few decades ago.  Well, the service was really dragging on (as these things often do) and my mind started wandering.  By the time they said their...

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