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Real Estalking

Navigating the wild and scary world of Real Estate in search of the perfect house.

Observation: Thoughts On Home Improvement Projects

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not completely ignorant when it comes to household projects - I can nail wood together and do basic repairs, just nothing complicated like: electrical, plumbing, drywall, roofing, tiling and anything structural.  Basically, my strengths lie in the design, the layout and the finishing, which I guess could be called decorating.  In one recent project, I changed out the handle on our garage door (ie, remove the broken handle and install the newly purchased Home Depot handle into the existing holes, and to my satisfaction (and...

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Observation: Thoughts on Twin Staircases

The first double staircase (recently referred to as “signature staircases”) I remember seeing was in photos of Candy Spellings famous monument to excess, arrogantly named “The Manor”, located within sugar borrowing distance from Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion in LA’s Tony Holmby Hills neighbourhood. This set of shag carpeted lumber was shown off again and again during her narcissistic vanity project “Selling Spelling Manor (2011)” (which she both produced and stared in).  The 2-episode, (and so very relatable) production followed the trials and tribulations of selling and packing up Spelling’s 56,500...

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Movie Houses: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986), Cameron Frye’s House

There are very few people out there who do not recall that pivotal moment in the John Hughes film Ferris Bueller’s Day Off when Ferris’s friend Cameron (Alan Ruck) knocks his father’s cherished Ferrari off its jack sending it crashing through a glass wall and into the ravine below.   The house used as Cameron’s family home in the movie is known as The Rose House and Pavilion, a 5,300 sq. ft home, located at 370 Beech Street in the woods of Highland Park, just north of Chicago.  The house was designed and built...

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Movie Houses: Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) Bruce Wayne’s Residence

I need to be very honest in sharing the fact that Super Hero Movies are more my colleague Nick Maylor’s thing than mine. The Superhero movies I have seen I have enjoyed, especially when dark deco styled metropolis sets are involved, or in seeing how historic Wayne Manor is depicted.  My younger self is fascinated by the idea of this scenario, where a historic setting is easily adapted into the ultimate clubhouse in which a man of means can fulfill his ultimate fantasy life with caves, toys, and secret passages....

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Movie Houses: Mid Century Modern Houses in Movies

Mid-Century Modern (MCM) is an architectural design and decorating style based upon clean lines, clear expanses of glass, open sight lines, a blurring of interior and exterior spaces and a complete lack of clutter.  The style was developed and made popular by architects of the time, including Frank Lloyd Wright (Falling Water, Pennsylvania), Philip Johnson (Glass House, New Canaan, Connecticut), and I.M. Pei (John Hancock Tower, Chicago) from the mid-1940’s to the mid-1970s.  The style was initially popular in southern US locations (LA, Palm Springs, Miami) but spread to some...

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