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Real Estalking

Navigating the wild and scary world of Real Estate in search of the perfect house.

Observation: Graph Paper Gives Me a Woody

The one strength I do have however, is design – I can spend days perfecting a layout on pads of crisp white graph paper. How intoxicating it is to remove the cellophane on a fresh 5 pack of paper covered in beautifully even spaced vertical and horizontal perfection aligning into perfectly controlled ¼ inch scaled boxes. Don't even get me started on a pack of freshly sharpened HB number 2 pencils!   My graduation from Lego to actual architectural layouts and design came during a grade 9 drafting course, where I learned...

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For Sale / Movie Houses: The Houses of “THE AMITYVILLE HORROR” (1979):  108 Ocean Ave., Amityville, N.Y

Those of you who know me, or at least those who have read any of my posts, you know I loves me a good old creepy house – put that house on the water and normally I’m sold.  But even I have my limits – those limits would be personified by this one.  The Amityville Horror house in Long Island.   Even if you’re not a believer in the occult – this is the home where the very real 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo Jr. who at 3:15 am on November 13, 1974, shot...

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For Sale: The Bishop Mansion – The Largest Home in Detroit, Michigan

Ok, now this one does have a real “Pseudo-Institutional”, stern private school look about it, which I believe was the original intent by design, but this place still is kind of cool – mainly due to its history. This gothic monster is a 32,000 square foot Tudor Revival mansion constructed between 1924 and 1926 on a prime 2 acre lot in the heart of Detroit’s preeminent Palmer Woods neighbourhood (1880 Wellesley Drive). The massive official looking residence was originally designed not only as the home of the Detroit Bishop Diocese,...

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For Sale: Granot Loma – The Worlds Largest Log Cabin

Now here’s one that has real potential – it’s a log cabin, but nothing like the one you associate with Daniel Boone or the one where Abe Lincoln is reputed to have been born, nor the one where the Clampetts began their epic journey to Beverly Hills – Seriously – this one looks like a cabin on Crack.  The Architects (Benjamin Henry Marshall and Charles Eli Fox of Marshall and Fox) certainly had very few limitations when designing it, but oh what a structure they created!  It was listed as...

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Movie Houses: Following The Draw of The Tuscan Sun

I  might be alone on this one, but it seems that whenever/wherever I travel, I find myself fantasizing about what it would be like to live in these idealic worlds, far from the everyday stresses of home.  Be it lakefront cottage communities near my home, oceanfront Nova Scotian fishing villages, Palm Springs desert view mid century moderns, Palapas in Puerto Vallarta or historical European towns.  (Not so much Florida these days though due to their whack a doodle politics of late – shame though as I used to enjoy Fort...

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